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All you need is…

Sydney June 2014 (6 photos, 1 video)

This is part 3 of my Vivid 2014 series.

The Vivid Festival of Sydney 2014 ends tonight after 18 nights. The majority of shows and displays occur in the Circular Quay area of Sydney, from the Opera House on the east side to the Harbour Bridge on the west side. However even this is not enough room for the displays, and it has now expanded into other areas. Just to the west of Circular Quay is the Darling Harbour area of the city, and it is here that we find the Vivid Aquatique Water Theatre, now in its second year I believe.

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The Vivid Aquatique Water Theatre features computer controlled dancing water jets in a ‘magic wall’ of light and water, specialised sculptural fountains inspired by Louis XIV’s ‘Water Garden’ at Versailles, giant water screens and large-format video projections, four high-powered full colour lasers and, for some shows, marine fireworks. The french company, Aquatique Show International, has put together the shows and is considered to be an expert in water shows and aquatic effects, having produced acclaimed multimedia marine spectacles in six continents. A different show occurs every hour.

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For anyone interested, the following link is to a short 30 second video I made during the “love” show, to give you an idea of what the performance involved: Vivid Aquatique

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I saw 2 of the shows. This other one involved witches, middle earth style armies, and werewolves. Then along came a man dancing up a firestorm. I didn’t try to overthink it. I just enjoyed the spectacle for what it was.

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I turned around and saw the Intel Robot. I gave way and gave him plenty of room. I took a photo then walked to the nearby Chinatown and had a late dinner. I walked past the In Between Two Worlds art installation. As I had my camera, I took some photos and night shots of that will follow later.

My previous VIVID Festival of Sydney photography:

VIVID 2014: Random VIVIDness 2014 (2)

VIVID 2014: Random VIVIDness 2014 (1)

VIVID 2013: Lights. Camera. Action!

VIVID 2013: Random Scenes of VIVIDness

VIVID 2012: Light the Night

Photography Etcetera, Sony Etcetera

Random VIVIDness 2014 (3)


93 thoughts on “Random VIVIDness 2014 (3)

  1. This is a stunning spectacular. Looks like last night of VIVID closed out with a bang, with a heapful of projections. I suppose it was very crowded, but that you got good spots to take it all in. A bit surprised you made way for the Intel Robot. It seemed to be looking directly at you, coming for you and you should’ve braced yourself for a fight, Dragon. And I know you would’ve won 🙂

    • It was supposed to rain last night but it didn’t. So I made my post last night, got in the car and saw it one more time. A shame to see it end.

      I could have taken on the robot but I was hungry. Some things are more important. 🙂 🙂 🙂

      • Ah, glad to hear you went to see the light shows one more time. I would’ve if I was in Sydney. I wish we had water light shows like that in Melbourne, but we barely have suitable places for that.

        I’m sure the robot was hungry too 😉

  2. I agree about not over thinking. I used to ask so many questions in my science class because the teachers explanation was never enough and that frustrated me so much…Technology still baffles me, but I’ve learnt just to enjoy some things and let it go! That Intel Robot looks cool! Have a great week!

  3. So they are projecting these images onto the water spray? You really captured the “explosion” of the images in this post – I’ll check out your video in a bit. Very interesting.

  4. My only compliant is that the video is too short 😉 These night shots are beautiful…exposure, sharpness and composition…. I know that is the eye of theWood Dragon that is the artist, but what camera do you use? I may need to apply for dual citizenship! Thanks for sharing.

  5. Wow, what a wonderful show and stunning pictures Draco. I like them all !!!!! 😀
    What a nice show I never went to the one in Versailles because it is a little bit expansive but you give me the reason to go maybe next time (I think it is in September).
    Have a nice day

    • Thank you very much Sophie. I think it would be worth the cost to see the Versailles show if you get the chance – and take lots of pictures. 🙂 Have a great day ahead.

  6. Brilliantly documented, LD !!! I couldn’t work out your location for a bit; and then I saw the ferry in the background and realised you’re on the city side of DH; but the Robotman seems to have you on the Marketplace side … Wherever ! The soundtrack accompanying the video – dunno how I managed to sleep through that, seeing as how I’m only a couple of blocks up P.B. Road !!! 😀

    • The stage faces south (the apex of the harbour) so that’s the best spot. They had other light displays at the Maritime Museum and The Star – I didn’t have time for those.

  7. A splendid job, Mr. Dragon. All of the shots are amazing–I even went back and looked at your last post again. Really looking forward to your Spirits in the Sky night shots. (I have half a dozen technical questions I’d like to ask you…maybe I’ll casually slip them in one at a time?)

    • Thank you very much. With a tripod in a crowd, getting a good stable position can be difficult so it helps to get there early. A lot of kids were more interested in the robot than the water show. 🙂

  8. So, just how many photos of random vividness (2014) did you end up with? I’ve got more than 100 and I went out only three times. (Am dreading the processing…) Perhaps, though, you are less button-happy than I am! 😉

    • The first night I just go and enjoy and plan future shots. Then I shoot the Opera House from several locations with 3 lenses on 2 cameras. I shot the MCA, Customs house, Darling Harbour, Martin Place and more than half the other light sculptures/installations. I review the images at home and critique them. I’ll go back and shoot again if I think I can do better. So there’s quite a few. 🙂

  9. LaVagabonde says:

    Looks absolutely mind-blowing. Sometimes it’s better to not overanalyze. Sometimes a show is just a show.

  10. my only concern is that if you continue with this series, I’ll be seriously running out of superlatives… beautiful work, Draco… it’s wonderful to see through your eyes 🙂

    I couldn’t agree more with the LOVE title here 🙂 romance and technology seem to be a powerful mixture… what an amazing light show, stunningly capatured… thank you!!

    LOVE the vid too… 🙂 browsed through the comments to check out what camera you used… you shot the photos with the Sony too?

    you have a China town?

    • Thank you, but I think the series will end with number 10. I hope you’re enjoying this burst of colour before I return to B&W. I think you did ask me to do some colour shots, didn’t you? 🙂

      Sony exclusively on that night because it had been raining. I needed a weather sealed camera and the video function was useful. Good night for now.

      PS Doesn’t every city (except for those in china) have a chinatown? 🙂

      • good morning 🙂

        so you took my gimme-some-color request seriously 🙂 and who could ever resist this color vividness… !! gorgeous shots, once again…

        I don’t know, does every city have a chinatown? Sofia doesn’t… but it’s not a “city” either… lol… maybe it’s something more typical for the western world… that’s why I thought it’s interesting you have a chinatown too… like NY and SF… I’m flying to Berlin in a couple of days, will check out if they have one 🙂

        have a wonderful day, Draco…

        • God morning. 🙂 I guess it depends on how many Chinese or other ethnic immigrants are in an area.

          Enjoy Berlin. I’ve never been but would like to one day. Enjoy your evening and have a wonderful day ahead too. 🙂

  11. I am glad you were at the right place and at the right time. What exiciting event and shots, Draco. I hope you are proud and happy with them 🙂

  12. I saw the clip, and the changes between the projections were really fast. So glad you have faster finger to trigger n capture these shots to share with us. Your photos really brought out the meaning of vividness. Looking forward to the 2 worlds on your screen! Have a great day 🙂

  13. Pingback: Random VIVIDness 2014 (4) | Etcetera Etcetera Etcetera

  14. Quite a wonderful light show, I know I would have loved have seen something like that when I was a child, always loved lights in the dark – but how still coloured lights were in the 70’s! Your video really shows what amazing sights can be achieved with lights and laser lights now. The face and the man dancing is almost like a hologram. I was just thinking, if they had suddenly produced light shows like this one in the 1800’s people would have definitely believed in ghosts! 😀

    • Yes, technology has come a long way and entertainment is a lot more sophisticated now. I’m glad to have seen it – it was very enjoyable. Special effects these days can make you believe in almost anything. 🙂

  15. Pingback: Random VIVIDness 2014 (5) | Etcetera Etcetera Etcetera

  16. Pingback: Random VIVIDness 2014 (6) | Etcetera Etcetera Etcetera

  17. Pingback: Random VIVIDness 2014 (7) | Etcetera Etcetera Etcetera

  18. Pingback: Random VIVIDness 2014 (8) | Etcetera Etcetera Etcetera

  19. Pingback: Random VIVIDness 2014 Finale | Etcetera Etcetera Etcetera

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